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Digital Illustration Practice
Personal project

How dizzying daily life can sometimes be does not allow, on many occasions, the opportunity to practice and study to learn new techniques and working methods.

In this sense, my professional experience has always led me to the development of vector illustrations, for both web design and animation projects, leaving aside other techniques more suitable for other types of products. Therefore, I made this illustration using a style closer to digital painting, with the intention of practicing this type of image development and to acquire more practice with the digitizing tablet.

I chose the character particularly because, in addition to being a professional in illustration, I am also a fan of animated series and movies. It has always been important for me not to lose this spirit, because my vocation as a designer is accompanied by my own way of being, as well as what defines me as a person. So, as in The Knights of the Zodiac, we must “elevate the cosmos” in this adventure that is life.

To illustrate an anthology of 52 cards
In collaboration with the most outstanding students of the FES
Traditional illustration The project consisted of illustrating and designing the 52 cards of the deck. I was assigned then, the design of one of the Joker cards of the deck and its concept was related to the “The fool” card of the tarot, as well as elements of Pop culture. However, due to lack of resources for printing, the deck did not see the light. [/vc_column_text]

Project sponsored by CONACULTA
Ilústrame ́sta is a project that seeks to use the platform of the shirt to bring together works by illustrators and visual artists with the intention of exalting the work done in Mexico.
In this way, one of the themes is To illustrate a Deity of ancient Mexico. My proposal was to illustrate Tonatiuh, aztec sun god, giver of life and who was offered beating hearts of the sacrificed, in short, one of the most venerated divinities in Mexico.

Tridimentional illustration
Final project

As part of the seventh semester class of the degree, “Three-Dimensional Illustration”, develop this piece made with paper cutouts, based on the letter of the Queen of Hearts of the English deck.

Illustration 2013, from PICNIC magazine
to create the cover of issue #55
Finalist Image One of the 60, among 800 participating works. In addition, he was present at the awards and exhibition of the finalists in FIFTY24MX Gallery.

Annually the call comes out to design the cover for the Ilustracional edition of picnic magazine. In 2013, the theme was Geeks. My solution was to consider this group as an important part of pop culture, in this way, this piece emerged that exalts the pride of being Geek, in addition to showing the different facets of this social group.

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