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Home / Diseño  / Parallax effect

Today I want to tell you a little about a surprising effect called Parallax and that in recent days I have tried to know and use.

The Parallax effect is more than interesting to add value to the tedious scroll and surprise the user with something that is not expected. Basically, it generates a sense of depth by separating the content of an animation or website into planes/layers. And although it seems a very current trend (and in fact it is in the world of web design), the Parallax is actually a trick with a lot of history, invented by Disney to give its films a slight three-dimensionality, trying to achieve greater realism.


And to show a button, because I share a link to a site where they use it in a brilliant way. In this case, its characteristics are used to immerse the user in the narration of a story, with a much more fun communicative experience and close to other media such as video games or comics. I hope you can take a few minutes and let yourself be surprised by this incredible effect.

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