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Concretos Cruz Azul – Internal Communication
Development of Digital Illustration and editorial design for infographics.
Comprehensive Internal Communication Project to Distribute Information on Office Manners and Hygiene

The current pandemic by the SARS-CoV-19 virus, modified the coexistence between people in public places such as parks, squares and shopping centers, but also within offices and workplaces.

Such is the case of the work centers of Concretos Cruz Azul, which constantly have a high flow of people in their offices and concrete plants, so the risk of generating infections was constant.

Therefore, it was necessary to generate visual materials that would help to distribute efficiently, the hygiene, safety and behavior measures, which would be implemented in the different types of work centers of the brand.

Therefore, Galahad Studio proposed the realization of both physical and digital posters, which contained all these rules. All through a pleasing visual aspect, to invite by persuasion to follow them, rather than imposing sanctions or restrictions. The designs are inspired by the modern infographic design, which has become very popular on the internet, with the intention of more easily sympathizing with the company’s workers.

This design of infographics, were distributed both in internal channels of the brand, as working groups in WhatsApp or the intra-network; as well as printed and placed in strategic areas of the work centers.

Undoubtedly, a creative way to connect with your workers and remind them how special they are for Concretos Cruz Azul on a day as magical as Children’s Day. Click on the link below and have fun for a while with “Crossing the Traffic”.

If you also want to do something special for your brand or have a project where you need editorial design, illustration or content for social networks, we can help you! With our Design and Conceptual Art service, we help you make your dreams come true. Contact us!

Also meet our project A Doodle a Day, and support us on Patreon with $ 1 USD, in return, you will receive exclusive rewards month after month, such as stickers, wallpapers, previews, streamings and more. Click on the following link and be part of the experience

Romantic illustration for Valentine’s Day gift
Commissioned as a gift and with the specifications of Carlos Malatesta

In January 2020, Galahad Studio received the commission to develop a romantic couple illustration proposal for a special gift, on the occasion of the arrival of Valentine’s Day.

The brief for its development was very accurate in relation to what was wanted to show the relationship of the young couple, to impress Selene. In the image, the appearance of different symbolic but significant elements of the history of both was necessary. A simple but novel proposal was sought, with a Japanese anime/manga style.

The proposal for the romantic illustration of couple, consisted of including the two lovers found in the manner of the “Yin-yang” that represents the union of two opposites that form a balance. The graphic style was inspired by Japanese anime, but real references were taken for sunflowers, the mask that appears in the song On melancholy hill by the band Gorillaz or the panda stuffed animal. In the same way, the color palette is very bright, to give dynamism and energy to the image.

My participation in the project was to generate the proposal of the romantic illustration, the design of characters and final rendering , according to the needs of the client, as well as the preparation of the files for the printing of the same.

Currently, social networks are increasingly visual. Therefore, if we accompany our content with an illustration or animation, we will get our followers interested in your brand.Don’t spend your time searching the internet for photos that look like your ideas. We help you bring your new product, character or publication to life. Our Illustration and Motion Graphics service has no limits and neither do your ideas. Contact us!

And if you like A Doodle a Day, you can support us on Patreon from $ 1 USD, in return, you will receive exclusive rewards month after month, such as stickers, wallpapers, advances, streams and more. Click on the following link and be part of the experience

Galahad Studio – Inbound Marketing
Illustrations and Animations with different techniques
March and April 2019

After the great success of stickers for WhatsApp as a reward on Patreon, during March and April 2019, we continued to develop them, this time using some pop elements and experimenting with other styles that the medium allows us.

Being the only consideration for their design, that they are physical objects and that they could be forgotten in a “lost property” office. In addition, we take a giant leap for the project entering fully into digital painting with the fanart of Sailor Moon. The list of those created during March and April 2019, is as follows:

  • 01_Moon Princess Halation
  • 02_The Tooth Breaker
  • 03_Drop Da Bomb!!
  • 04_Spaghetti Western
  • 05_The Infinity Gauntlet
  • 06_Ancient Magic

Currently, social networks are increasingly visual. Therefore, if we accompany our content with an illustration or animation, we will get our followers interested in your brand.Don’t spend your time searching the internet for photos that look like your ideas. We help you bring your new product, character or publication to life. Our Illustration and Motion Graphics service has no limits and neither do your ideas. Contact us!

And if you like A Doodle a Day, you can support us on Patreon from $ 1 USD, in return, you will receive exclusive rewards month after month, such as stickers, wallpapers, advances, streams and more. Click on the following link and be part of the experience

Ibero-America Illustrates
Participation for the 9th illustration contest, Iberoamérica Ilustra
Digital illustration and Storytelling

With the aim of disseminating the work of illustration professionals at the Ibero-American level, Fundación SM, El Ilustradero and the Guadalajara International Book Fair have been convening the Ibero-American Illustrated Catalogue since 2010.

The contest invites both established illustrators and young talents and results in a Catalog that shows the plastic trends and influences of illustration in this region.

Participation in the contest consists of the realization of between 3 or 5 original images that tell a story, without the use of text to describe them. Thus, each illustrator uses technical and narrative resources and their way of looking at and interpreting the world, to make their proposals.

The illustrations with which I participated on this occasion are based on the following narration by Sir Helder Amos:

Remote work

After they got married, they made a fortune deceiving everyone with their fake séances, he with his tricks and she with his acting.

When he died, she thought that without his tricks they would discover that he was nothing more than a fraud and that he would go bankrupt.

However, she was wrong, because now that they were not physically together, he was still doing his job and even much better than before. End.

In this way, I tried to reflect the hopeless character of the gypsy for the recent loss of her husband; his subsequent escape; And finally, between smiles and tears, the reunion with the loved one through magic itself, because love knows no physical barriers, nor is it forbidden to a couple of scammers.

The illustrations were made entirely digitally and although they were not winners, they meant a great advance in my skills as an illustrator and storyteller. To know the winners and learn more about the contest, visit the following link.

1st International Caricature Competition, José Guadalupe Posada
As part of the activities of the Calaveras Festival 2017
Finalist Image

One of the 50, among 1700 participating works. In addition, he was present at the awards and exhibition of the finalists in Gallery.

The cartoon is a cultural element deeply rooted in the history of Aguascalientes (Mexico). Therefore, during the November festivities, the state organizes the Calaveras Festival and in its 2017 edition, it organized the 1st José Guadalupe Posada International Cartoon Contest (famous Mexican cartoonist).

In this first edition, the central theme was the Catrina, an iconic figure of Mexican culture invented in 1913 by Posada and baptized by Diego Rivera, which has taken on special importance in recent years, thanks to its appearance in Mexican crafts and art, as well as in its appearance in films and books around the world.

My proposal was to recover the mocking sense that Posada imprinted on her, so I illustrated a very funny and carefree Catrina, riding on a revolutionary train, while leaving behind its creators and the history of Mexico, seeking to remain modern, despite the passage of time. The original sketch was made with pencil and down, while the color was applied digitally.

As a Mexican I highly value my culture and its traditions, so as well as in El Largo Camino, I have also made other illustrations such as the Tonatiuh T-shirt or for the exhibition Thinking about death, which I invite you to know.

Diploma in Digital Illustration
Academy of San Carlos, UNAM
Final Project As part of the curriculum of the Digital Illustration diploma of the Academy of San Carlos, it was proposed that the final project was the realization of an animation, which included the techniques and methodologies seen throughout the course.

In this way, being the free theme, I developed the “pilot” episode of a personal project that I planned to develop, when the opportunity presented itself. The animation takes as inspiration the character of Major Tom, present in the music of David Bowie, as well as the “Retrofuturism” of the 50’s. The concept of the project takes all these elements of culture, music and literature, to generate a psychedelic and nostalgic conglomerate. Quite an ode to those things I like.

To illustrate an anthology of 52 cards
In collaboration with the most outstanding students of the FES
Traditional illustration The project consisted of illustrating and designing the 52 cards of the deck. I was assigned then, the design of one of the Joker cards of the deck and its concept was related to the “The fool” card of the tarot, as well as elements of Pop culture. However, due to lack of resources for printing, the deck did not see the light. [/vc_column_text]

Project sponsored by CONACULTA
Ilústrame ́sta is a project that seeks to use the platform of the shirt to bring together works by illustrators and visual artists with the intention of exalting the work done in Mexico.
In this way, one of the themes is To illustrate a Deity of ancient Mexico. My proposal was to illustrate Tonatiuh, aztec sun god, giver of life and who was offered beating hearts of the sacrificed, in short, one of the most venerated divinities in Mexico.

Tridimentional illustration
Final project

As part of the seventh semester class of the degree, “Three-Dimensional Illustration”, develop this piece made with paper cutouts, based on the letter of the Queen of Hearts of the English deck.

3rd University Poster Contest
UNAM is…
1st Place Winning image.

The University Poster Contest: The UNAM is…, is an annual contest that tries to project graphically, the appreciation that the university community has about the maximum house of studies.

The work represents the birth of the fifth race, facing modernity and the duality of the human race.

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