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Visual Identity Proposal (2015 – 2017)
To position the brand among its audience, through animations, logo and POP material.

In 2015, Blue Labs, in partnership with Publifón, launched the ApantallaNet platform, having found a niche in the market in restaurant advertising through digital signage.

Between 2015 and 2017, a series of graphic materials were developed ranging from the development of visual identity, business cards, flyers, to the design and creation of stands for advertising fairs and the development of programmable content, transmitted through the platform itself.

Being the Digital Signage an advertising service little known in Mexico, ApantallaNet sought to position itself as a market leader. Therefore, the visual proposal was to tie the ApantallaNet service, with the most popular streaming systems on the market, giving it an appearance similar to that of a modern television channel and a little transgressive. This visual proposal has achieved the growth of the brand as well as its positioning in the market.

My participation in the project was to collaborate in the development of the brand, as well as in the design of its Visual Identity, according to the needs of the client. As well as the planning, design, layout and illustration of different graphic materials such as brochures, business cards, web sites and platforms and various POP materials. In addition, he supervised, as Art Director, the production of various audiovisual content such as curtains, advertiser spots and advertising, as in the project Know ApantallaNet. The production and management of the project was by the Blue Labs team.


J August, 2015


2015, 3D Modeling, Animation, Corporate Identity, Digital Animation, Digital Illustration, Editorial Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Logo, Motion Graphics, RR.SS., Stationery and POP material, Storytelling, Videomapping, Web Design

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