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Home / Diseño  / Visual Identity, its value and benefit for success

"Visual identity is like a company's suit and tie," repeated one professor during my student years. And although it sounds funny, the truth is that the visual identity of any brand is the heart of its communication strategies.

This "graphic identity" materializes the image that a company wants to show its public, through different supports such as envelopes, business cards, letterheads, etc.


However, starting a company is a difficult process and give it an adequate image even more!, because in many cases, the purchase decision of people is governed by the perception they have of the brand in question. A good example of this is usually political campaigns.

And it is an issue that influences all types of companies, from independent professionals, through small and medium enterprises, to the largest corporations. Therefore, in this blog post, we are going to talk about the value of visual identity and its benefits for the success of any business.

Everything Communicates

Did you know that 80% of the information we perceive daily enters the human brain through the eyes? That is why when it comes to communicating, images, shapes, colors and typographies are so important.But then, how does a company or brand communicate visually?

Well, through its Visual Identity!, which is the set of graphic signs (colors, shapes, words, etc.) that represent the company. This ranges from the logo, cards, billboards, emblems, merchandising, design of the points of sale, to the clothing of the workers. Everything communicates and everything helps to create a coherent visual identity of the company.

A story to tell

Today, there is no company that can position itself in the market and be recognized without having a visual identity. An image is understood and absorbed into people's minds more quickly. Just think about the brands of clothing you wear to dress every day. Why do you choose them?

Each brand has a story to tell (what is also known as storytelling) and the visual identity makes it possible, because it occupies above all an advertising function: it represents the image of a company, its services and eventually its values.Hence the importance of having a strongly defined and unique visual identity, which helps you to make your brand recognized and differentiate itself from your competitors.

The DNA of the corporation

Creating a corporate visual identity is a complicated process, because it must ensure that all the visual manifestations with which a corporation presents itself to the market and society (its products, services and communications), respond coherently to the global strategy of the company.

Only in this way, can it be ensured that design is not a simple artistic expression, but has a meaning and a mission. Therefore, it is important to locate the DNA of the corporation, which is what defines who it is, what it does and where it is, and then develop a communication and image strategy to project that identity and position it in the minds of consumers.

The visual identity then, is defined in 5 levels:

  • Cultural: It is essential to define the culture that surrounds the organization, that is, the values, experiences, beliefs, emotions with which the consumer can identify to generate a response or a change in behavior towards the brand / company.
  • Verbal: The second thing is to define the name of the company and its products to verbally identify the brand.
  • Visual: Next, it is important to define the symbol that visually identifies the company, such as the logo.
  • Objective: It refers to the unity of style and design for all products that are recognizable to the touch. Like the shape of a can of Coca-Cola or the peculiarity of a Smart car.
  • Environmental: The environmental factor communicates the identity of the company through elements such as the design of spaces, colors, lighting, smell, ambient music, customer service, service, or the location of the establishment within the city.
Benefits of good design

Whether you already have a Visual Identity or are looking to create one, these are some of the benefits of developing a solid one:

  • Awareness: The more developed your identity is, the more recognizable it will be, so your consumers will notice the presence of your brand.
  • Positioning: All the symbols, values, culture and projects linked to your brand will add value to progress in the market.
  • Reputation: A solid identity will generate a sense of belonging and trustworthiness in people, with which your brand will gain reputation and recognition.
  • Permanence: An effective design will allow you to respond quickly and effectively to unexpected changes in the market.
  • Savings: A well-designed identity will save you money as you avoid reinventing the graphic pieces over and over again.

It is proven that the main purchase decision of consumers is based on the image they perceive of brands. So having a solid image, generates loyal customers and palisades with your company.

At Galahad Studio we are professionals in visual identity design.What better way to say "I am professional, innovative and the best experience" than with a solid image?; With our Branding and Brand Design service we help you make a difference. Us!

What brands are they followers of?, Do they think their identity is consistent with the values they seek to convey?

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Best regards!

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