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Home / Diseño  / Logos for Apps, how to design them?

Imagine that you are in front of a catalog of shoes, of various brands. Page by page, you can see thumbnails of dozens of models. They are so many and so similar, that it is difficult to choose a single pair.


Until you finally find some to your liking. You would immediately discard the rest! True?. It is exactly the same thing that happens with the immense amount of Apps that are on the market. What makes users choose one option over another?

Of course the design of your Logo!. Of course, the functionality and features of the App are fundamental, but in a market as saturated as mobile applications, the first impression is the one that counts.

Having the design of a nice, memorable and unique icon can play an important role in the success or failure of an app. Therefore, in this blog post, we want to share some tips to design excellent logos for Apps.

The anchor of your product

First of all, it is important to define what logos for Apps are and what their function is. The logo of an App is the visual anchor of a product. It is the small piece of branding that, in addition to being attractive and unique, communicates the essence of the application.

However, unlike the logo of a company, the design criteria of logos for Apps is a little different, as they are usually restricted to square spaces, with specific sizes and contexts, according to the operating system.

The fundamentals

Regardless of the software or tools used for your design (we suggest Adobe Illustrator), there are certain guidelines to follow when designing Logos for Apps:


One of the most important aspects to consider, when designing Logos for Apps, is scalability.

Because the logo will be displayed in different places and in different sizes. Therefore, it is important to maintain readability at all times, whether in the App Store, the App interface or on devices with a Retina display.


Being easily recognizable among the rest of the Apps in the store or on the home screen of a smartphone, is the key to a great logo.

The design must be able to connect with the public on a functional and emotional level, (through color, its forms and concept) and must stand out from hundreds of other logos.


Perhaps more important than the graphic element itself, or the colors that make it up, a good logo design must present consistency between the icon and the experience that the App represents.

A good Logo should be an extension of your App to generate a memorable storytelling with the public. Achieving harmony between the logo, the essence, design and functionality of the App is the key.


It may be obvious, but it is essential to design a logo that is unique. Being based on references or adopting a design trend is fine, but always bringing creativity to differentiate it.

It may seem difficult to do anything unique in topics like "productivity," where concepts may revolve around the use of a "checkmark." Therefore, it is important to investigate what exists in the market, to go in the other direction.

05_Gráficos vs Words

Surely there will be a lot to say about it, but in our opinion, if when designing Logos for Apps you resort to words, it is because you are not using all your pictorial arsenal.

Words and graphics should complement each other, but mixing them when designing a logo for an App usually generates confusion and is difficult to decode in small spaces (as we have already mentioned at the scalability point).

It is necessary to consider in itself, that the name will appear within the interface of the App, why not look for a graphic concept to represent it? And if it is very necessary to use letters, it is better to treat them as graphics and make them unique, in this way they lose their quality of "letter" and become iconic.

Make your mark!

As we have noticed, Logos for Apps are a small, but powerful communication tool. The Logo will be the strongest connection the user will have; It will be the first thing you see in the App Store; What you will interact with every time you use your App; and what you will remember when thinking about it, when recommending it.

The Logo of your App should not be something that is solved in the end, but should be a fundamental part in the process of its development. At Galahad Studio, we understand how complicated it can be for a brand to make its products, services and Apps stand out from its competition. Therefore, we offer the best solutions in Branding and Brand Design. Ideal for companies and startups that want to make a difference. Us!

Whether simple or detailed, conservative or creative, designing Logos for Apps is always a challenge. We hope that these tips will be useful to you to develop your own logos. Mastering and applying them will allow them to develop better designs. Have you designed Logos for Apps?, Do you know other tips for your design?

Don't forget to leave your comments.

Best regards!

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