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Home / Diseño  / Websites, the success or failure of companies?

Nowadays, when we hear about how good the goods or services of a brand are, the first thing we do is google it. In this way, we can know its catalog, services and above all, the comments left by users on blogs or social networks.

And it is that the Internet has become a tool used by everyone, which allows us to access multiple resources and learn about other people and companies with ease. Hence the importance of having a presence in this medium.


That is why, used intelligently, the Internet can be an ideal medium to connect with our followers and potential customers, for its ability to be online everywhere, at all times.

Many businesses are growing exponentially thanks to their websites and social media. Therefore, in this blog post, we will talk about the advantages and benefits of having a website, as a tool to maximize your company.

Missing opportunities

Some studies show that among the causes of the failure of a business are, the lack of a market and sufficient publicity. Since some brands think that customers will come alone and do not plan any kind of marketing strategy.

That is why it is recommended that companies have professional and well-designed websites , which allow users to easily find the information they are looking for, as well as how to acquire their products and services.

Nowadays, not having one can mean losing business opportunities. Below, we discuss some of its main advantages.

24/7 x 365 days

Normally, companies and businesses work between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. What about all the people who can't visit your business before closing?

On the websites, information about the brand, products and services is available to any potential customer, at any time and can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

For all budgets

Websites are like spectacular ones that work 24/7. But they also cost a fraction of what spending on television ads or other advertising media is.

They also have the possibility of being updated at low cost, so that the page is never obsolete and continues to provide functionality and quality content (we recommend you read our entry on Inbound Marketing).

"! But my business is bootstrapping!", you may be thinking… Well, even in that case, you could subtract without problems the costs generated by having a commercial premises, thanks to the alternative of having an e-commerce website. Great, isn't it?

As in any relationship, communication is important

Websites not only promote companies, but also allow you to receive information from your visitors, through contact forms, comments on blogs or Google Analytics statistics.

In this way, visitors can directly express their interests, doubts or comments. Thus becoming the site in a powerful communication tool between brands and their customers.

Image first and foremost

What better way to stand out, than with a website? Today, traditional media such as business cards, brochures or POP material are not enough.

On the other hand, websites help generate and reinforce a modern image of companies in front of their customers.

Real efforts, real results

Best of all, when you have a professionally developed website (that is, that follows some principles such as the material design we have already talked about here), it generates a good impression on visitors.

In this way, obtaining customers and followers is real, because it provides the confidence to acquire products or hire services.

The era of business 2.0

We can say then that, by having a Web page, they take advantage of the Internet to increase sales, expand the market and obtain growth.

In addition, customers can have more information about brands, their products and services before making contact. With which, companies should only deal with clearing doubts and making sales, thus optimizing the service with the public.

And even so, many companies do not have websites, because they do not know the benefits they can provide to their brand.

Do you know how many customers you lose daily because you don't have your own site? Whether it's an online store, landing page or blog, nowadays, it's easier than ever to have your own page . With our Web Design service, forget about missing opportunities and start connecting with everyone. Us!

Do you often shop online? Do brands that have their own page seem more trustworthy?

Don't forget to leave your comments.

Best regards!

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